Board Member (2024)
Gérard Hascoët began his career in the medical technology business of Thomson CGR. As a serial entrepreneur, in 1985, he founded Technomed International, which is now a part of EDAP TMS, a Company dedicated to non-invasive medical treatment in urology. In 1993, he founded Sometec, a hemodynamic monitoring company acquired by Arrow International, and IMMI, a neurosurgical robotics company acquired by ISS. From 2008 to 2011, Gérard was CEO of SpineVision, a spinal implant company, and he continues to serve on the company’s Board of Directors. In 2009, he co-founded MD Start, a European incubator for medical technology companies, where he holds the position of Executive Chairman. Gérard is a Venture Partner of Sofinnova, one of the leading European healthcare venture capital firms. He is also Chairman of EOS Imaging, Chairman of CorWave, Director of the Board of LimFlow and Ablacare. Gérard holds a degree in engineering from E.C.E Paris.