Institut de la Vision

Paris, France

The Vision Institute (French: Institut de la Vision) is a research center in the Quinze-Vingts National Eye Hospital in Paris, France. It is one of several such centers (Inserm / UPMC / CNRS) in Europe on eye diseases.

The Institute's goal is to discover, develop and test treatments and technological innovations in the area ophthalmology and to improve the autonomy and the quality of life of patients.

Vision Institute employs more than 250 scientists (Inserm - UPMC - CNRS) specialized in vision disorders.

There are 4 research departments:

  • Developmental biology: analysis of the development of the visual system, connections, stems cells and regenerative approaches
  • Visual information data processing: understanding and evaluation of the visual information data processing by the retina and the brain, neurotransmission pharmaco-toxicology
  • Genetics: understanding of the genetic mechanisms associated with ophthalmological disorders, identification of the genes and proteins providing protection against neuronal stress
  • Therapeutics: conception and evaluation of innovative treatments - cell therapy for cornea, pharmaco-toxicology of the ocular surface and glaucoma, gene therapy for neuropathies, modeling of retinal degeneration and vascular disorders

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